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Bohyeon Kim is interested in challenging the boundaries between painting and non-painting, with sculptural concerns exploring structures, materiality, and photo-gram. They tend to combine found objects and digital images into my painting, especially those that can reveal the aspects of three-dimensional anthropomorphic identities, and surreal and mythological qualities. Recently they have made works using digital prints, combining these with sculptural paintings and objects which usually rely on wall and floor for three-dimensional form. With using of format that multi layers of time made through system of digital space, they see part of their work as archiving these potentials for discrete segments of time and space. They also call fragmented time like postcards to cast myself as a tourist in the temporal and virtual fluidity – a pictorial space that exists digitally for a moment, and may perhaps never be reconstituted again. In this sense, nomadic code by virtual influence on temporal qualities, they accept an indexical relationship to a time and a space at a given moment which can be hybrid quality. This is like the way they have become acquainted with diverse of different cultures and unsettling(non-fixed) condition of environments for myself living with complexities as a contemporary artist.
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